PRECITEX range of quality cots and aprons for global market


PRECITEX began operations in 1971, and over the years it has emerged as a leading producer of cots and aprons for the international market. It operates its expanded plants in Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat with a capacity of producing 80 million units of cots and aprons. 

PRECITEX, as a brand, meets even the most demanding machinery requirements. ‘Total Quality Control’ is the formula that is applied by the company at every stage of the manufacturing process, from sourcing the raw materials to compounding the final product.

Mr. Diven Dembla, the Director of PRECITEX, says: “Our aim is to make PRECITEX as synonymous to Cots and Apron as Thanda is to Coca Cola”. Evidence of progress towards this aim is seen in the 15% growth in sales turnover of the company in the uneventful fiscal year of 2018-19. The domestic sector contributes to 65% of the company’s total business, whereas the export sector contributes 35%. Interestingly, the past year also witnessed a 10% growth in the former and a remarkable 25% in the latter. This telling illustration speaks of the increasing acceptance of Indian products in the international market which was earlier dominated by the Germans and the Japanese.

Mr. Dembla attributes most of his company’s growth to the spindleage boom in Gujarat which resulted in replacement trends in the market and to the increasing popularity of compact spinning resulting in favourable market demand. Apart from the above factors there are three crucial internal factors that set PRECITEX off from its competitors in the market.

Precision Yarns Pvt. Ltd., PRECITEX’ sister company, was supposed to be forward integrated into the spinning field, but there was something else in store for Precision Yarns. As recession sent the fate of Precision Yarns back to the brainstorming phase, international brands started approaching Mr. Dembla to become party to the noteworthy network of 25 pan-India distributors.

This led PRECITEX to form a small but elaborate Agency Portfolio in the market which currently includes brands of Japanese and Italian origin. Yamauchi is a competitor turned ally which get associated with PRECITEX to lay the foundation of its polyurethane disc texturising product in the market.

Even with recessional drawbacks at work, PRECITEX managed to secure 20% market for its debutant ally. The other brand in the portfolio is Prosino which manufactures Borgosesia rings. They had difficulty in creating a market base for their product as most Indian industries prefer buying rings from local manufacturers rather than the international ones.

PRECITEX not only helped Prosino establish its market presence by using the network but also provided Prosino with its own network of technical sales persons to build trust and security in the Italian partner’s Indian clientele.

There’s an existing market trend which toughens competition. It involves retaining two suppliers with virtually the same price and quality portfolio. One has to break out of this polygamous arrangement to achieve the top position. The PRECITEX way of doing this is by providing value-added services via its highly trained technical team.

PRECITEX caters to all 3,000 mills in India and their representatives make it a point to visit each one of them. Their visits are eagerly awaited by their clients as they entail transfer of technical knowledge, development of better operating strategies, cot grinding department, audits, and more. The team is enabled to carry out these training sessions because of the insights they gain after visiting the industries across the country.

PRECITEX was the first company of the Indian origin to participate in ITMA, and it has been a regular participant since then. It proposes to make its stall at ITMA, a network hub introducing the multi-cycle tested products like long preparatory cots for superior quality yarn, comber detachment rollers for higher grinding cycles, soft cots for compact spinning, and SP Series apron for all apron applications.

Mr. Dembla goes back to his Coca Cola analogy to justify his aim for the next five years. He says he wants to continue his father’s legacy and rise above being just the market leader by being the synonymous brand with its products.